Blog Post
Cardinal Peak Donates Engineering Services for Columbia University’s CovidWatcher App
In times like these, we asked ourselves, "what can we do to help?" Enter Cardinal Peak's engineering expertise. This post highlights our efforts to help Columbia University develop CovidWatcher, an application that surveys users about their exposure, symptoms, access to medical care, and how the coronavirus and restrictions are impacting their daily life.

Blog Post
How Katalon Studio Makes Test Automation Easier
Katalon takes the need for learning to program or even the complicated setup of all the tools needed to run a test script and throws it all in a one-stop shop that can be picked up by anyone of any technical skill level in short order to create automation.

Blog Post
Copy/Paste: “A Computer on Every Desk, and in Every Home, Running Microsoft Software.”
Tesler's passing caused a few of us to reflect on how computing has evolved into two separate categories: engineers and everyone else — and the cut/copy/paste function is an outstanding example of this separation.
In times like these, we asked ourselves, "what can we do to help?" Enter Cardinal Peak's engineering expertise. This post highlights our efforts to help Columbia University develop CovidWatcher, an application that surveys users about their exposure, symptoms, access to medical care, and how the coronavirus and restrictions are impacting their daily life.
Katalon takes the need for learning to program or even the complicated setup of all the tools needed to run a test script and throws it all in a one-stop shop that can be picked up by anyone of any technical skill level in short order to create automation.
Tesler's passing caused a few of us to reflect on how computing has evolved into two separate categories: engineers and everyone else — and the cut/copy/paste function is an outstanding example of this separation.

Blog Post
What the Iowa Caucus Debacle Can Teach Us About the Importance of Software Testing
The stunning failure of the Iowa caucus smartphone app demonstrates valuable lessons about the importance of software testing.

Blog Post
Using Dbus in Embedded Linux
Do you need dbus? There are command line programs for most system management functions. However, these traditional interfaces now talk dbus to get the job done. For example, the shutdown command actually uses dbus to tell ...

Blog Post
Bridging the Gap: Native Modules and React Native
Cross-platform development languages such as React Native are truly changing the game. From developers and designers to scripters, folks in QA and product owners, everyone wants a one-to-many relationship from codebase to platform.
The stunning failure of the Iowa caucus smartphone app demonstrates valuable lessons about the importance of software testing.
Do you need dbus? There are command line programs for most system management functions. However, these traditional interfaces now talk dbus to get the job done. For example, the shutdown command actually uses dbus to tell ...
Cross-platform development languages such as React Native are truly changing the game. From developers and designers to scripters, folks in QA and product owners, everyone wants a one-to-many relationship from codebase to platform.

Blog Post
In my last post, I talked about resource management, and how RAII, Resource Acquisition is Initialization, is important in C++ because of the guarantees it provides. In this post, I’ll show how we can make the same guarantees in C. In C++, RAII provides a solution to resource management and the issues arising with exceptions.... View Article

Blog Post
RAII Introduction
Explore RAII: a powerful C++ programming idiom for resource management. Learn how it ensures exception safety, prevents leaks, and can be applied in C.

Blog Post
Three Keys to Embedded Software Success
Discover how smart design choices can ease embedded software development. Learn layered architecture, modular implementation, and effective testing for smoother projects!
In my last post, I talked about resource management, and how RAII, Resource Acquisition is Initialization, is important in C++ because of the guarantees it provides. In this post, I’ll show how we can make the same guarantees in C. In C++, RAII provides a solution to resource management and the issues arising with exceptions.... View Article
Explore RAII: a powerful C++ programming idiom for resource management. Learn how it ensures exception safety, prevents leaks, and can be applied in C.
Discover how smart design choices can ease embedded software development. Learn layered architecture, modular implementation, and effective testing for smoother projects!

Blog Post
Google I/O Rundown
Here’s a quick rundown from a tech perspective of what Google announced last week at its I/O conference: Google.ai Google bases most of its service model on artificial intelligence (AI). In this year’s I/O, they announced some really cool new data-center clusters called Tensor Processing Units (TPUs): huge, heavy-duty number-crunching machines that each provide up... View Article

Blog Post
Yes, You Do Need to Document Your Open Source Code
I’ve recently had the experience of working with two pieces of open source code. Both implement a standard wireless communication stack in Linux. Names are omitted to protect the guilty. In one case, the code has been around since 2001 and has been part of the Linux kernel since version 2.4.6. It has now been... View Article

Blog Post
Is “Doing It All” All It’s Cracked Up To Be?
The tech industry is constantly changing. New languages come in and out of style, and new WYSIWYG editors make GUI design easier than ever. Unlike app development and IoT, the embedded world has been largely isolated from these changes until now. Code for embedded devices is still written in C or occasionally C++, and the... View Article
Here’s a quick rundown from a tech perspective of what Google announced last week at its I/O conference: Google.ai Google bases most of its service model on artificial intelligence (AI). In this year’s I/O, they announced some really cool new data-center clusters called Tensor Processing Units (TPUs): huge, heavy-duty number-crunching machines that each provide up... View Article
I’ve recently had the experience of working with two pieces of open source code. Both implement a standard wireless communication stack in Linux. Names are omitted to protect the guilty. In one case, the code has been around since 2001 and has been part of the Linux kernel since version 2.4.6. It has now been... View Article
The tech industry is constantly changing. New languages come in and out of style, and new WYSIWYG editors make GUI design easier than ever. Unlike app development and IoT, the embedded world has been largely isolated from these changes until now. Code for embedded devices is still written in C or occasionally C++, and the... View Article