Remote Patient Monitoring Product Design Considerations
Blog Post
Connected Devices and IoT

Product Design Considerations for Remote Patient Monitoring

Companies in the early stages of developing remote patient monitoring systems must understand how the various components and sensors interplay. Our engineer shares key considerations when building RPM products to drive positive change in the healthcare sector.
Designing Auracast Audio Products
Blog Post

Designing Auracast Products, the Future of Bluetooth Broadcast Audio

Auracast broadcast audio is transforming the way we share and enjoy sound. Join our audio product engineering expert as we delve into the Bluetooth technologies’ capabilities, implications and real-world applications in the future of audio.
Blog Post
Connected Devices and IoT

Cycling Tracker or the Headplant-ometer

In honor of Bike to Work Day, we’re sharing this story about a cycling tracker, as well as getting some of our Cardinal Peak team together for a ride and breakfast burritos. Share the road!
Companies in the early stages of developing remote patient monitoring systems must understand how the various components and sensors interplay. Our engineer shares key considerations when building RPM products to drive positive change in the healthcare sector.
Auracast broadcast audio is transforming the way we share and enjoy sound. Join our audio product engineering expert as we delve into the Bluetooth technologies’ capabilities, implications and real-world applications in the future of audio.
In honor of Bike to Work Day, we’re sharing this story about a cycling tracker, as well as getting some of our Cardinal Peak team together for a ride and breakfast burritos. Share the road!
Patrick French
Blog Post
Product Definition

How “Disposable” Bluetooth Changes the User Experience

Wireless connectivity is cheap enough to use in disposable products opening up countless applications for our customers. So, is disposable Bluetooth something less robust than regular Bluetooth? What makes it disposable?
Patrick French
Blog Post
Cardinal Peak Culture

How will COVID-19 Impact Future Technology Trends?

As we continue to adjust to the new normal of life during the coronavirus pandemic, we can now begin to draw conclusions about how our lives will be different after we return to work, specifically how the pandemic will impact future technology trends.
Patrick French
Blog Post
Software Development

Copy/Paste: “A Computer on Every Desk, and in Every Home, Running Microsoft Software.”

Tesler's passing caused a few of us to reflect on how computing has evolved into two separate categories: engineers and everyone else — and the cut/copy/paste function is an outstanding example of this separation.
Wireless connectivity is cheap enough to use in disposable products opening up countless applications for our customers. So, is disposable Bluetooth something less robust than regular Bluetooth? What makes it disposable?
As we continue to adjust to the new normal of life during the coronavirus pandemic, we can now begin to draw conclusions about how our lives will be different after we return to work, specifically how the pandemic will impact future technology trends.
Tesler's passing caused a few of us to reflect on how computing has evolved into two separate categories: engineers and everyone else — and the cut/copy/paste function is an outstanding example of this separation.
Patrick French
Blog Post
Connected Devices and IoT

LoRa and Semtech and Sigfox, Oh My

Discover LoRa's power for IoT with Semtech, Microchip, and ST Microelectronics. Build your network with Cardinal Peak for tailored solutions.
Patrick French
Blog Post
Connected Devices and IoT

The Future of LPWAN and the IoT

Discover the best wireless network for your IoT devices! Explore the pros and cons of cellular, Wi-Fi, and LPWAN options to find the perfect fit for your needs.
Patrick French
Blog Post
Connected Devices and IoT

Do You Believe in Magic?

“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” – Arthur C. Clark Working in the IoT industry and being a technology enthusiast, I am always playing with the latest IoT gadgets. While many of these devices have beautiful apps, I’m starting to feel like the IoT industry is not living up to Arthur C. Clark’s... View Article
Discover LoRa's power for IoT with Semtech, Microchip, and ST Microelectronics. Build your network with Cardinal Peak for tailored solutions.
Discover the best wireless network for your IoT devices! Explore the pros and cons of cellular, Wi-Fi, and LPWAN options to find the perfect fit for your needs.
“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” – Arthur C. Clark Working in the IoT industry and being a technology enthusiast, I am always playing with the latest IoT gadgets. While many of these devices have beautiful apps, I’m starting to feel like the IoT industry is not living up to Arthur C. Clark’s... View Article
Patrick French
Blog Post
Connected Devices and IoT

How to Make the IoT Make Sense for You

"IoT-enabling" usually involves taking an everyday product — a kitchen appliance, say — and adding the necessary communication hardware, connecting it to a cloud service, and developing apps for either end-users or installers. What are the common reasons for doing this?
"IoT-enabling" usually involves taking an everyday product — a kitchen appliance, say — and adding the necessary communication hardware, connecting it to a cloud service, and developing apps for either end-users or installers. What are the common reasons for doing this?