Blog Post
Pounding the Pavement with Amazon Sidewalk
Our embedded software engineer demos the Amazon Sidewalk Test Kit and Silicon Labs Sidewalk Pro Kit, discussing their experience and potential use cases for Amazon Sidewalk devices.

Blog Post
IoT Comms Software Is Hard
I’ve got a new blog post up at EE Times, talking about how to architect the network communications protocols for Internet-of-Things devices: Crafting a communications software stack tailored to the needs of your Internet of Things design is crucial — and not necessarily easy, given that options are continually evolving. Read the whole thing here.

Blog Post
Heartbleed Wasn’t a Single Bug
The heartbleed bug in OpenSSL has been all over the news. XKCD perhaps had the most succinct explanation. I’d like to take a deeper look at this bug and the process that allowed it to be created. Catastrophic failures are often caused by a chain of bad decisions or errors that finally result in a... View Article
Our embedded software engineer demos the Amazon Sidewalk Test Kit and Silicon Labs Sidewalk Pro Kit, discussing their experience and potential use cases for Amazon Sidewalk devices.
I’ve got a new blog post up at EE Times, talking about how to architect the network communications protocols for Internet-of-Things devices: Crafting a communications software stack tailored to the needs of your Internet of Things design is crucial — and not necessarily easy, given that options are continually evolving. Read the whole thing here.
The heartbleed bug in OpenSSL has been all over the news. XKCD perhaps had the most succinct explanation. I’d like to take a deeper look at this bug and the process that allowed it to be created. Catastrophic failures are often caused by a chain of bad decisions or errors that finally result in a... View Article

Blog Post
Five Software Tips for Securing IoT Devices
I’ve got a new blog post up today at EE Times, discussing how to secure devices on the Internet of Things: It used to be academically interesting, perhaps, that an attacker could compromise an unconnected home thermostat. Today, it’s another thing entirely that an attacker can potentially target thousands of home thermostats from afar, determine... View Article

Blog Post
Converting Between Data Rates and Storage
Bordering on the line of "too embarrassingly simple for a blog post," here is an Excel data rate converter.

Blog Post
The Two Ways to Get Video Across the Internet
In all the internet video out there, there are basically two methods of delivery: Progressive download and adaptive bit rate streaming.
I’ve got a new blog post up today at EE Times, discussing how to secure devices on the Internet of Things: It used to be academically interesting, perhaps, that an attacker could compromise an unconnected home thermostat. Today, it’s another thing entirely that an attacker can potentially target thousands of home thermostats from afar, determine... View Article
Bordering on the line of "too embarrassingly simple for a blog post," here is an Excel data rate converter.
In all the internet video out there, there are basically two methods of delivery: Progressive download and adaptive bit rate streaming.

Blog Post
Real-Time Ethernet
A recent project for a customer was to implement a transport for a real-time signal processing application over Gigabit Ethernet (GbE). The project was especially interesting because our customer’s requirement was for extremely low latency: The transport needed to be able to send replies to incoming packets with a custom EtherType within 74.4 μsec. This... View Article
A recent project for a customer was to implement a transport for a real-time signal processing application over Gigabit Ethernet (GbE). The project was especially interesting because our customer’s requirement was for extremely low latency: The transport needed to be able to send replies to incoming packets with a custom EtherType within 74.4 μsec. This... View Article