Internet of Things Migration Blog
Blog Post

Migrating from an IoT Platform to Bring Tech In-House

While an end-to-end IoT solution provider is often the fastest path to market, such solutions force IoT devices to be coupled to the external dependencies of a single provider. Our expert engineer highlights how tapping the expertise of a contract engineering company can decrease time to market without increasing staff during migration.
Sean O?Neil
Blog Post

The Problem With Generic IoT Platforms — and Why We Avoid Them

While generic IoT platforms sound like a great idea, the problem is these "one-size-fits-all" platforms tend to only deliver about 60% of a typical IoT solution. By the time the remaining 40% of the problem is solved and productized, the solution has actually evolved to a bespoke application for that customer.
Cardinal Peak logo placeholder
Blog Post

With RIoT Sponsorship, Cardinal Peak Strengthens Commitment to IoT Market

As an engineering firm that has successfully helped bring dozens of IoT products to market, establishing a presence in the technology hotbed of North Carolina's Research Triangle makes good business sense. That is why we are extremely proud to sponsor RIoT...
While an end-to-end IoT solution provider is often the fastest path to market, such solutions force IoT devices to be coupled to the external dependencies of a single provider. Our expert engineer highlights how tapping the expertise of a contract engineering company can decrease time to market without increasing staff during migration.
While generic IoT platforms sound like a great idea, the problem is these "one-size-fits-all" platforms tend to only deliver about 60% of a typical IoT solution. By the time the remaining 40% of the problem is solved and productized, the solution has actually evolved to a bespoke application for that customer.
As an engineering firm that has successfully helped bring dozens of IoT products to market, establishing a presence in the technology hotbed of North Carolina's Research Triangle makes good business sense. That is why we are extremely proud to sponsor RIoT...